BIOGRAPHY OF T. R. BARNES This biography was possible through the generous consideration of Mrs. Gina M. Reasoner. Email: greasoner@prodigy.net Source: History of Ohio, The American Historical Society, Inc., 1925 Volume V, page 157-158 T.R. BARNES founded, the Barnes Manufacturing Company at Mansfield, promoting the original company in 1895, the capitalization of $100,000. The industry has grown and steadily prospered, and in 1920 the capital was raised to $500,000. Mr. Barnes from the beginning has been secretary and general manager of the business. The president is C.H. Voegele, of the old and well-known family of that name in Richland County. Mr. Voegele succeeded the original president, R.G. Hancock. The Barnes Manufacturing Company is a concern that has had much to do with making Mansfield known to the outside world as a source of manufactured products. Its output consists of house and farm pumps, hand and power pumps for spraying of all kinds, also pumps operated by electric and gas power, and pumping machinery for oil wells and highway road construction. A few years ago a line of portable power pumping units was added for contractors' uses. The company also manufacture sanitary porcelain enameled ware. In earlier years the industry employed about fifty, and the average payroll is now for two hundred and twenty-five men. The business has an annual output valued at $1,000,000, and the investment in the plant and equipment is approximately $700,000. An able business man, a citizen of broad public spirit, T.R. Barnes has been a notable figure in the life and affairs of Mansfield. He was born near Salem, in Mahoning county, Ohio, on a farm, son of R.A. Barnes, a native of Maryland, who married Avarilla Ann Gilbert. In 1858 they settled on a farm near Salem, Ohio. T.R. Barnes had a public school education, and at the age of twenty-one came to Mansfield. For four years he was an employe of the Adams Express Company and then became secretary of the Humphreys Manufacturing Company, a concern that manufactured pumps. While there Mr. Barnes acquired his practical knowledge of pump manufacturer, and with that experience and some capital he promoted the Barnes Manufacturing Company in 1895. Mr. Barnes has become responsibly connected with a number of Mansfield's progressive institutions. He is a director of the Mansfield Savings and Trust Company, director of the Mansfield Lock Washer Company, director of the Superior Brass Company, director and vice president of the Buckeye Tempered Copper & Brass Company, vice president and director of the citizens Savings and Loan Company, director of the Richland Mutual Insurance Company. He has been a contributor to all worthy public causes and acted as chairman of the community Chest during the war. He is a member of the county Executive Committee of the republican party, is president of the City Club, for six years was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Presbyterian Church, also member of City Council, and is a York and Scottish Rite Mason and Shriner. Mr. Barnes married Miss Lida R. Scott, daughter of George Scott, a veteran employe of the Pennsylvania Railway company living at Mansfield. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes have one daughter, Ruth, wife of James C. Gorman, who is a graduate of Lehigh University and is treasurer of the Barnes Manufacturing Company. Mrs. Gorman is a graduate of Smith College at Northampton, Massachusetts, and is prominently identified with social work at Mansfield, being active in the Young Women's Christian Association, and is president of the Friendly House in that city.