BIOGRAPHY OF MILTON EMERSON HAYES This biography was possible through the generous consideration of Mrs. Gina M. Reasoner. Email: greasoner@prodigy.net Source: History of Ohio, The American Historical Society, Inc., 1925 Volume IV, page 194: MILTON EMERSON HAYES, M.D. Numbered among the experienced and skillful physicians and surgeons of Mahoning County, Dr. Milton Emerson Hayes enjoys a high professional and personal standing in his community, and is an active force in civic matters. He was born in Butler County, Pennsylvania, in September, 1867, a son of George Washington and Margaret E. (Glasgow) Hayes, natives of Pennsylvania. The paternal grandparents, William and Eliza (Williamson) Hayes, were natives of Butler County and Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, respectively, and came of Revolutionary stock. Eliza Williamson's father served under Admiral Perry in the battle of Lake Erie during the War of 1812. On the maternal side Doctor Hayes' grandparents were John and Mary Glasgow, of Irish descent. For many years George Washington Hayes was a carpenter contractor at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and he died in that city, in September, 1922, aged eighty-six years. The mother survives at the age of seventy-nine years, and is living at Youngstown. After leaving the grade and high schools Doctor Hayes was a student of Smart Academy, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and then, entering Western University of that city, took his medical training. Following the securing of his degree Doctor Hayes began practicing his profession at Pittsburgh, and remained there until 1899, but in that year left that city for Youngstown, where he has since resided, and for a quarter of century has been one of the active practitioners of Mahoning County. Of recent years he has specialized in urinary dermatology. His offices are at 306 Home Savings and Loan Building. In November, 1920, he was elected coroner of Mahoning County, and is the nominee of the republican party for the same office. During the late war he served on draft Board Number 2 of Mahoning County, and otherwise made himself useful in local war work. Professionally he maintains membership with the county and state medical societies. He is unmarried. Since 1889 Doctor Hayes has been a spiritualist, and for a number of years was librarian of the First Church Spiritualist of Pittsburgh, which was organized in 1878, Doctor Hayes' parents being among the organizers. Very high in Masonry, Doctor Hayes has been the recipient of honors in the different bodies of his order, and is past master of the Blue Lodge, past high priest of the Chapter, and he is a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason and a Shriner. He also belongs to the Sons and Daughters of Liberty, the Lions Club and the Shrine Club.