Coitsville Twp. 1820
Below you will find the entire extract for the heads of household of the 1820 census for Coitsville Twp., Trumbull County, Ohio. (Mahoning County was formed in 1846.) The heads of each household are the only thing extracted below. The 1820 census does not provide any other information except the numbers of the remaining household members and the age group they fell in. If you require additional information, please send an email. All reasonable requests will be fulfilled. 80 heads of household are listed below. Allen, Geo. Allington, Stephen Augustine, Daniel Baggs, Joseph Bell, William Bissell, Ami Bissell, John Bissell, Temperance Brownlee, David Burroughs, John Carter, Joseph Carter, Susanna Cassady, Geo. Clark, Thomas Cooper, David Crawford, David Crawford, James Crawford, William Crooks, James Davis, Martha Earley, Thos Fitch, Sam'l Gammel, James Gray, Amos Haney, James Harriss, Barney Herbert, James Hill, John Huston, John Huston, William Jackson, David Jackson, Joseph Johnson, John Keesecker, Michael Kennedy, James Kennedy, James, Jr. Kennedy, Joseph Kimmel, Isaac Liggitt, John Linn, James Loveland, Amos Mackey, John Mairs, James Marriner, Asa Maxwell, John McBride, Sam'l McCormick, John McFarland, Alexander McFarland, Andrew McFarland, James McFarland, William McGuffey, Alex McGuffey, William Milligan, John Montgomery, Robert Montieth, Daniel Moore, Sampson Orrick, William Orrick, William, Jr. Pauley, Elisha Pauley, John Pool, Aaron Pool, Bazel Potter, John Reed, William Robb, Matthew Shehi, Roger (question about spelling of surname) Shields, James Stephens, John Stewart, James Stewart, David Stewart, John Stewart, William Swan, William Tannehill, William Thornton, John Welch, James Wick, Daniel Wick, Elizabeth Wilson, David |