Ellsworth Twp. 1820
Below you will find the entire extract for the heads of household of the 1820 census for Ellsworth Twp., Trumbull County, Ohio. (Mahoning County was formed in 1846.) The heads of each household are the only thing extracted below. The 1820 census does not provide any other information except the numbers of the remaining household members and the age group they fell in. If you require additional information, please send an email. All reasonable requests will be fulfilled. 84 heads of household are listed below. Adams, Samuel Allen, Asa W. Allen, Hervey Allen, Lucreta Arner, Philip Baum, Geo. Bingham, Asa Bingham, Ezra Borts, Philip Bottom, James Bottom, William Boyd, Henry Broadsword, Geo. Bruce, Eleanor Burghart, John Byers, Andrew Byles, Joseph Calhoun, Sam'l Courtney, Nicholas Crawford, Alexander Crumrine, Michael Deihl, Philip (See also Diehl) Deihl, Sam'l (See also Diehl) Dice, Jacob Diehl, John Dustman, Christian Fencetemaker, Dewalt Fitch, Andrew Fitch, Daniel Fitch, Richard Fitch, Thomas Fitch, William Flick, Daniel Harcleroad, Adam Harding, George Howard, William Hoyle, John Hoyle, John, Jr. Hoyle, Peter Huxley, Daniel Huxley, Jared Jones, Thomas Kennedy, David Kinney, Christian Leffingwell, Lucius W. Leonard, David Leonard, George Leonard, Nicholas Leonard, Nicholas, 2nd Leonard, Sam'l Lodwick, Conrad Lower, John McCreary, John McKane, Robert McKee, John McKimm, Robert Miller, Geo. Miller, John Miller, John P. Minard, Nathan Newton, James Packard, Garrett Parshal, Daniel Parshal, Sam'l Pettitt, Plumer Phelps, Luman B. Porter, William Ripley, William Rose, David Rose, Jesse, Jr. Ross, Moses Shatto, John Smith, Hugh Smith, Matthias Smith, Walter Spaulding, David Spaulding, Philo Steel, William Strock, Geo. Strock, Jacob Tiff, Joseph Webb, John C. Weldee, Jacob (See also Wilder??) Wolf, Geo. |