Exporting Family Files for
the Youngstown Genealogy Website
from PAF 4.x/5.x
PAF 4.x/5.x is © 1999, 2000, Intellectual
Reserve, Inc.
PAF 4.x/5.x may be downloaded free of charge
from the FamilySearchtm
Several people lately have asked how to export files from PAF 4.x/5.x for
Mahoning Valley Genealogical Services. The procedure is somewhat simple.
What our service requires is a Register
style report saved in RTF format. To begin, select the first individual in the
line you wish to show.
Then, go to FILE/Print Reports, then Books - you will get this screen…..
When here, set up the screen as shown - remember to check the Print to File
Go to preview, and page through the preview pages on the screen. If the
page is too small to read, click on "Zoom In". You can page through
the report using "Next Page". Look for the last generation that
shows no living people. This is where you cut your exported file off. Click on
"Close" to return to the above screen. Enter the number of
generations till living people begin to show up in the "Maximum Number of
Generations to Print" box.
Then, click on "Print", and you will see a file selection box.
Select the directory you wish to save the file to, then enter a file name.
Click on "Save"
Once this is done, you may view the file in your Word processor (most
modern word processors allow the viewing of RTF files). Then, send the file
attached to an email to Genealogy Services, and the file will be posted for
and linked to you as a submitter.
Sincerely yours,
Mahoning Valley Genealogical Services