Youngstown 1830
The following is extracted from the 1830 Census for Youngstown, Trumbull County, Ohio. Ackley, Joshua Aga, Alexander Aga, Anthony Aga, David F. Aga, Frederick Aga, John Aga, Nathan Armstrong, Nathaniel Babbit, Luther Baldwin, Byram Baldwin, John M. Baldwin, Stephen Barckley, James Barckley, Robert Bayne, William Beard, Hugh Beard, James Beard, John Berry, James Brainard, Linus Brisbine, David (var. Brisbe) Brougher, David Brougher, John Bryson, Abram Bryson, Catherine Campbell, Neill Carmen, James Carr, Robert (var. Kerr) Burgett, John Center, Joseph Chamberlain, Noah Chamberlain, Noah Caldwell, Dorcas Cook, Charles C. Cook, Joseph Cook, Phebe Crawford, Moses (also 1820) Crowel, Elias Cowden, Erastus Carter, Joseph Clelland, Dorcas Davidson, George Davidson, James Davidson, Thomas Davidson, Dutton, Charles (also 1820) Douglas, Nancy Dray, Moses Dabney, Mary Dunn, Festus (var. Dun) Dunwick, John Echrode, John Erwin, Christopher Edwards, Jonathan Erwin, Jacob Ewing, James Erwin, Thomas Eliate, Hannah (var. Elliot) Everet, Peter (var. Everette) Eggleston, Hiram Ferrel, Thomas Fitch, Hannah Fitch, James Fitch, Jedediah Fitch, William H. Foster, James Frederick, John Gledel, Joseph Gibson, John Gibson, Robert D. Goffe, Humphrey Grierson, Robert Hampson, Michael Harding, James Hardman, George (also 1820) Harrison, Daniel Hatfield, William Hatfsila, Aserick Hayden, Samuel Hays, James Hays, John Hazelip, James Heaton, Isaac Hillman, James (also 1820) Hine, Homer (also 1820) Hogg, John F. Hogge, John (also 1820) Hoke, Frederick Holcome, John R. Holland, Benjamin (also 1820) Holland, Solomon Hollingsworth, John F. Holroga, Robert Hull, George Hull, George F. Hull, Henry Hull, Jacob Hull, William H. Huff, Polly Jones, William Kirk, John Kimmel, John Kimmel, Philip (also 1820) Kincade, Alexander (var. Kincaid) Kincade, Joseph (var. Kincaid) Kincade, Robert (var. Kincaid) King, Edward King, Singleton (also 1820) Kline, Peter Kyle, Joshua Kyle, Robert Kyle, James Kyle, John Lightburn, Elinor Leach, Abraham Lackey, Abraham Lergg, David Lauckridge, John Mackey, James Madden, John McCoy, James Mercer, Marvin Morely, Daniel J. Morely, Levi McKinney, Alexander McKinney, James McDaniels, Robert Murry, Lewis (var. Murray) McCorkel, John McGlathery, Henry Manning, Henry Maxwell, Philipe Morris, William McReeves, William Madbury, Asa Miller, Joseph Noble, Judson R. Near, William Newel, John Osborn, Anthony Osborn, Anthony Osborn, Joseph Osborn, Aaron Patrick, Robert Paxton, Amos Paxton, Amos Pheaster, David Pheaster, Jacob Philip, Tod Philips, Aaron Philips, Eli Philips, John Philips, Samuel Polls, Thomas Polly, Josiah (also 1820) Polly, Josiah Powers, Abraham Powers, Isaac Powers, Fleming Powers, Jacob Price, James Price, John Protzman, James Ragne, James (var. Rayen) Ragne, John (var. Rayen) Ragne, Michael (var. Rayen) Ragne, William (var. Rayen) Repsher, Peter Rerd, William Rice, William Rigle, Mary Robbins, Benjamin Robbins, Josiah Rockwell, Edward Rofs, John (var. Rop) Rofs, Samuel (var. Rop) Rush, John St. Lawrence, David Savage, John (var. Savager) Savager, Henry (var. Savage) Savager, Isaac (var. Savage) Scannel, Jeremiah Scannel, John Shannon, John Schell, Daniel Shehi, Daniel Smith, Edmond Smith, James M. Smith, Jonathan (also 1820) Smith, Sandford Smith, William Squares, John Squares, Moses Stafford, Ward Stall, George Stall, Joseph Stambaugh, John Storm, Michael Stout, Jonathan Sutton, Zebulon Taylor, James Templeton, Robert Thorn, Franklin Thorn, Wilson Tod, George Turner, Samuel Tyler, Alford Upham, Ara Upham, Julius Vetter, Michael Vistal, David Walter, William Watts, Thomas Watts, William West, William White, James White, James White, John White, Samuel White, William Wick, Caleb B. Wick, Henry (also 1820) Wick, Henry Wick, Lemuel Wick, William (also 1820) Williams, John Williamson, Jiatt Wilson, Andrew Wilson, John Wilson, Joseph Wirt, Peter (var. Wert) Wirt, Philip (var. Wert) Wonsetler, Abraham Wonsetler, George Wonsetler, Mathias Wonsetler, Peter Wood, William Woodard, Martha Woodbridge, John E. (also 1820) Woodruff, Lyman Woods, John Worley, Francis Wortman, Michael Young, Richard Zedaker, Michael |